
Wii Infrared Pen

In April 2008 i found a Wiimote project from Johnny Lee. On his site he describes how to build a low cost whiteboard by using the Wiimote.

Link: http://johnnylee.net/projects/wii/

I really like the idea. There are so many possibilities for new innovative stuff with the Wiimote. So i decided to try it out and started to build my own infrared pen.
For the power supply i made a connector which can be changed. On the picture there is the USB cable, but i also made one with a battery.

My whiteboard basically worked, but i found that sometimes the Wiimote didn't receive the signal from the pen. Maybe because my hand was between the Wiimote and the infrared led, or maybe my infrared leds were to weak.

I read a tip that it is better to use 2 Wiimotes, so the leds would always be in sight.

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